Low carbon steel fiber is used as a replacement for traditional reinforcement in various concrete applications such as: slab-on-ground, precast and shotcrete. With carbon steel fibers you can limit micro-cracking, expect excellent concrete strength and lower costs.Carbon steel fibers have been used successfully over the last 30 years. Normal reinforcing such as rebar tend to only reinforce concrete in tension. The addition of steel fibers instead of rebar or wire mesh will create a concrete with much more plastic and ductile properties. By adding Steel Fibers you create a 3-Dimensional matrix similar to that of the aggregate throughout the mix. When reinforced in all directions you end up with a superior concrete design. Pads will bend instead of crack. The addition of 1" long steel fibers will increase flexural and bending strength by 1.5 to 3 times that of standard reinforced concrete. Steel fibers reinforce in three dimensions throughout the entire matrix. They restrain micro-cracking by acting as tiny reinforcing bars. The earlier a crack is intercepted and its growth inhibited the less chance it will develop into a visual crack or problem.The advantages that steel-fibers offer. They include but are not limited to: · INCREASED FLEXURAL STRENGTH · FATIGUE RESISTANCE · IMPACT RESISTANCE · SHRINKAGE · ABRASION RESISTANCE · PERMIABILITY · SUPERIOR POST CRACK STRENTH · MILITARY GRADE BLAST RESISTANCE · PUMPABLE · AS CLOSE TO CRACK-PROOF AS YOU CAN GET And what about cracking? Concrete has always been unpredictable material and no methodology can entirely eliminate cracking. Using SFRC (steel-fiber reinforced concrete) offers an extremely effective means of controlling cracks. This together with proper sub-base preparation and curing methods are essential to overall job performance.Steel Fibers. Here are just some: · Burial vaults · Precasting of all types · Tilt-up panels · Shot Crete applications · Mine crib blocks · Cast-In place structures There are many other uses’s out there. l save time money and reduce maintenance over the life of any installation. With the current price of steel going thru-the-roof, Steel Fibers can offer a practical alternative to standard reinforcing methods.COLD DRAW STAINLESS STEEL FIBER
The use of Stainless Steel Fibers in the reinforcement of refractory materials provides substantial increase in refractory life and therefore a considerable reduction in maintenance costs. Stainless fibers significantly increase the tensile strength of the refractory in its critical period and greatly increase its energy absorption capability. Though discontinuous, fibers act as a crack arrestor and form a mechanical bond after cracks may occur. Stainless steel fibers greatly improve the flexural strength of the castable. This added increase in ductility contributes greatly to thermal shock and spall resistance.Stainless fibers cannot perform above their melting temperatures. The critical factor therefore becomes the maximum temperature the fiber will resist oxidation. Were there are thermal gradients, if 70% of the refractory is below the critical temperature, the fibers will perform very well. Where frequent cycling between high and low temperatures occur, fibers will greatly improve refractory life.The addition of 2% by weight to the refractory materials is suggested. Stainless fibers can also be used to good advantage in refractory gunning applications. stainless steel fibers are manufactured to a nominal size of .018 x .033 x 3/4” or 1” length.